Sunday, February 6, 2011


September 8, 1954

My dearest one -

Should I tell you how supremely  happy I am?  No, I must not!  The gods would envy me on such happiness as only mortals can feel.

You ask me to write everyday.  You know it's no chore to me.  But let's compromise for seven consecutive days.  How about that?

Whatever and however I write you from day to day, the theme couldn't be far different - it shall always be of undying affection till the end of time.

Ginia, "mia", you should know what you have done to me - my heart is singing; my head is lighter; my temper - milder; the world is brightr.  All these and more.

Tell me -  you must, how is it with you?  Write, my darling, even just a line.  That way, I will know, too, whether you are receiving my letters and how.

Good night, sweet one!


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