Saturday, February 12, 2011


11:45 pm
November 17, 1950

Dear Virginia -

How are you Gini? I fervently hope you are on your feet well again.

Once again, I am coursing this letter through Jesus. That way, I will know it is not because you have not received my letter that you do not answer. My failure to receive an answer from you must therefore be due to some other reasons - good or real.

I shall not tell you that I live everyday, hoping to receive an answer from you, for that is the fact. I shall not tell you that every waking hour I think of you, because that is what I do.

Oh! Gini, how could I ever tell you all about me - my life, my love, my hopes, and plans - in the shortest possible time! These you must know (you think perhaps) so you could love me completely and solidly enough to take me for life. Otherwise, you must love me with faith as the sole guarantee.

You must have thought it strange how soon could I profess my love to you. Gini, in each of us, we carry unconciously within ourselves the prototype ideal with the myriad characteristics we peculiarly imbued with. Suddenly, a door opens, a person appears and you know in a blinding flash that the dream becomes a reality. It happened to me when I saw you.

How distance could be so cruel sometimes! It becomes a barrier to the easier understanding of feelings. Loving thoughts and plans I evolve in my lonely little room - a lot of them. I have written them but didn't send you - afraid, angrily afraid that you wouldn't understand them. The suddenness of them would surprise almost anyone.

I shall be patient and wait until you can get your bearing. In the meanwhile, all I ask - Is there a chance? Please do not extinguish the flame of the candle before you have lighted it.


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