Sunday, February 13, 2011


November 2, 1950

Dear Virginia,

I have just received your letter of the 31st today. To insure receipt of my answer to you, I am taking advantage of Jesus' voyage tonight.

My prayer has been answered in part- that you should answer me. The other part is obvious. Your letter couldn't be better - for the present. I do not mean its mechanics (although that is faultless). I mean its tenor - very becoming of the kind of woman I think you to be.

The risk of surprising you was great. I dared it with the great fear of scaring you away. I should not have begun at the end - that is if I followed the natural course of the thing. But to me, time is elemental. I'm in no hurry and do not brand me as being impulsive. Only that I want to celeberate it before the Holy Year ends. I believe in it! I hope you can see the way through like I do.

Talking about your present situations, whatever they are, I couldn't  think of any that I cannot do something to help - in a small way maybe. Unless- it's another man. Is there? [Please answer me true!]. Even at that I warn you, I will not give up. Believe me!

"I don't know how deep was its sincerity." I am glad you know it is sincere nevertheless. For its depth, I ask you to fathom a lifetime together of wedded bliss, understanding, sympathy, consideration, and eternal love; sprinkle it with some difficulty and suffering which must occur now and then (for we have the physical body) - that is how deep it is!

Now again and until then, I place the offering at your tender feet. When you bend to honor it, tell me, for then I shall look up to high heavens and say, "God, I have found the way. Never shall I be lost again!"


P.S. I am sending you my Scrapbook with the fond hope it can give you pleasant companionship. Take all the time you want.  Do not be in a hurry to return it. Have you ordered the pictures? Shall I?

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