Friday, February 11, 2011


April 16, 1951

My dearest -

Without you, the Brazil plan is off. And it is too late for that now - what with your usual reticence.

Did I step on your toes again in my last letter?  You have kept me guessing for a long time; you can continue that (I am game) as long as you don't die or marry someone. But I have a hunch - in death, you are  mine; and someone? - he can never completely possess you!

Can't you throw a few crumbs in my way?

Don't answer this letter if there is really someone. Then at regular intervals I'll check and just wire you : STILL THERE? If there is, don't answer me.

But please, when you transfer, (just in case) write me - I implore you!  You shall know of my whereabouts.

In exchange for the picture I have stolen in your album, I am sending you mine. Now, my conscience is clear.

Affectionately ever,

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