Tuesday, February 8, 2011


March 17, 1954

Dear Gini-

After three days back in the harness, I have been able to catch up with work not covered by the relief. I feel a little stronger now and on the way back to health - better perhaps than ever before.

My outlook has been changed to the brighter side of life - you know why.  It may turn out to be just an illusion, but I'm holding true to all I profess to you and the rest is in the hand of God and yours.

You have made me happy now, happier then when you will be sure; and happiest when all my dreams and plans will come to a reality - you with me till the end.

Everyday I'm thinking of you and refraining from seeing you just as often so you can have a full rest after your duty hours.  Sunday afternoons I wish to see you.  You may have engagements then ( but go ahead with them); just the same, I'll try my luck and drop in your dormitory to see whether you are in. If you may, you can call me up and say that you will be out.

I'm enclosing tidbits of literature that have a striking ring with my feeelings. I hope you'll enjoy them.


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