Friday, February 11, 2011


P.O. Box 93
Cebu City
August 16, 1951

My dear Virginia -

Once again, I find myself writing - breaking a vow of not writing ever again to any woman. Perhaps so, because this way is the secret emptying of my heart; more so, because I want to reach the inside of you without the external distractions.

I am at a loss which way to believe you. You have so unmercifully placed yourself in a position that blinds my understanding and imagination. Or I must just be plain stupid. What makes me feel that I am the one that can make you happy? Yet, that is my concern with such a love as I feel!

Sometimes I  have the feeling that you are not being fair and honest with yourself.

In my earnest endeavor for your happiness, I may only have become a disturbance on your tranquility. Lay down the rule and it shall be done. Write to me - oh, write to me - even if it may be the last, and I shall believe whatever you honestly want me to believe and do.

With all there is,

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