Friday, February 11, 2011


P.O. Box 93
Cebu City
January 6, 1951

Dear Virginia,

Once again here I am in print to greet you  on Three Kings. How did you spend the Chrsitmas season, Gini?Christmas and New Years Eve - I spent in solitude. It brought me joy with the thought that you must be enjoying yourself with all the trimmings usual of the season.

The end of the season gave me a nascent realization of how selfish I have been during the old year. For instance - I have been greatly concerned with loving and wanting you, never giving a thought to what you want. I had the wrong thought that that would come in time. Now, I realize - it must come first.

So, from now on Gini, your slight wish is my command. If it is your wish not to write to me , be it so. No more impatience, my darling. I know now that to love greatly is to suffer greatly.

The New Year has brought me  an eternal quest. Once again, I pledge my deep and abiding love for you. This could never end however and whatever you do. Even death could not put an end to that - if we believe in the afterlife.

With all my love,

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