Monday, November 30, 2009

The Truth Accdg. to Girlie and David (?)

It is said that we know who we are or what we are in different contexts. That people construct different truths to different contexts and we enact different contexts (we are in) all the time. This truth (if that's what it truly is) has opened a box of aha moments for me at 5:30 in the morning. Is that why the "me" at work is so different from the "me" at home or the "me" with friends or the "me" with families? All this time I thought I was bipolar! I don't need therapy or medication after all - what a relief and a truth I'll take any day!Following this path, do people with multiple personalities just happen to have a lot of truths? And are people who are boring still searching for their truth? What of somebody who has not found their truth? Is that what drives someone to despair and hopelesness, loneliness too?

And somewhere in all these... is there a context where all these truths meet and are one and the same? Would that be the Real Me? Or just a meeting place of all my truths?

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