Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Date - February 14, 2003

I had a special date today with a special guy.

We had planned on going to the movies(of course). The day started out gloomy and rainy I almost cancelled. But I promised him. And it was our first date. We woke up together this morning and I couldn't resist helping him to get dressed. I offered to drive, surprised him by holding the car door open for him, even held the umbrella as we walked hand in hand to the theatre. I took it even further and opened doors as we walked inside, paid for tickets... even popcorn and soda for both of us. He almost didn't want to go because it was dark and hardly anybody inside. Other guys would have seen that as an opportunity. My guy found every excuse not to stay in his own seat and insisted on climbing unto my lap, grabbing whatever he could to get there, then started digging into the popcorn, candy and soda.

So we settled to enjoy the movie, and every now and then he would turn to me and give me a kiss. Most of the time he would just lean back against me and concentrate on what was going on in the screen. When the movie ended, I had to take him to the bathroom, help him with his coat and once again we walked hand in hand back to the car. I decided to take him shopping and he didn't complain like most guys would but did fall asleep and stayed asleep all the way home.

The movie was Jungle Book 2...

my guy was Jared...

and he was only 3 years old.

I couldn't have had a more perfect date for Valentine's Day!

And I can't wait to take 2 guys next time - when Kyle is old enough!

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