Thursday, January 13, 2011

Heaven Can Wait

(image by Rennan Quijano)

     The day before my birthday, the boys and I had a near-fatal mishap with an 18-wheeler truck on the way to dropping them off at the school.  A fortunate matter that I didn't realize what could have happened until after the event because I couldn't have avoided it if I tried. Truly only by the grace of God was I able to celebrate my birthday, and the boys as well who didn't even know what had just not happened. So yes, it was indeed a great birth day for me in the only way that mattered. My gratitude to everyone who sent me well-wishes, blessings and affirmations. God-with-us. HE was with me then, now and always. As HE is with you.

     We all have had similar events in our lives when we wonder if Someone had intervened to prevent misfortune from happening or having put us in the path of something positive through no effort on our part.

     May we never overlook these moments of grace that we are gifted with everyday, if only we ackowledge them.


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