Friday, November 26, 2010

The Retail Warrior

She stalks the mall days before
Mapping, planning, prioritizing
Should she go or should she stay
The Ritual for years unbroken
Springing into action at the break of dawn
He has five words for her -
"Don't hurt anybody out there."
Onward in the wake of Christmas ditties
Quietly, stealthily, she weaves in and out of the crowd
Armed and dangerous, she brings no one
Two hunks of a man take one look at the lines
Tails tucked in, turn away
This is not for the faint of hearts!
Stashing the spoils in her four-wheeled blood-red warship
( So it's a mini-van. Is that a problem?)
Seemingly, extremely out of practice
Apparently she has not lost her touch

Surrendering her yen
She kept her Zen

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