Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

For waking up in the morning
And the chance to start anew
Four wheels to go places
And a job to do

The simple pleasures of watching leaves fall
Steaming hot coffee
Perhaps time to wander inside the mall
While the boys are in P.E.

Time to practice Tai Chi
Time to drink Chai tea
Time to do nothing
Just time being

Families to help you when times are tough
Friends that make you laugh
A husband who still loves even when the going gets rough
Happy, healthy boys are more than enough

Stretch my spirit with yoga
Fold  love into freshly-laundered clothes
Listen to the boys speak Yoda
Before go to sleep they must

For the nighttime to gather my day's gratitude
Homeworks done, spelling words spelled right
Recharge this positive attitude
While I sleep overnight

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