Friday, November 26, 2010

The Retail Warrior

She stalks the mall days before
Mapping, planning, prioritizing
Should she go or should she stay
The Ritual for years unbroken
Springing into action at the break of dawn
He has five words for her -
"Don't hurt anybody out there."
Onward in the wake of Christmas ditties
Quietly, stealthily, she weaves in and out of the crowd
Armed and dangerous, she brings no one
Two hunks of a man take one look at the lines
Tails tucked in, turn away
This is not for the faint of hearts!
Stashing the spoils in her four-wheeled blood-red warship
( So it's a mini-van. Is that a problem?)
Seemingly, extremely out of practice
Apparently she has not lost her touch

Surrendering her yen
She kept her Zen

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

For waking up in the morning
And the chance to start anew
Four wheels to go places
And a job to do

The simple pleasures of watching leaves fall
Steaming hot coffee
Perhaps time to wander inside the mall
While the boys are in P.E.

Time to practice Tai Chi
Time to drink Chai tea
Time to do nothing
Just time being

Families to help you when times are tough
Friends that make you laugh
A husband who still loves even when the going gets rough
Happy, healthy boys are more than enough

Stretch my spirit with yoga
Fold  love into freshly-laundered clothes
Listen to the boys speak Yoda
Before go to sleep they must

For the nighttime to gather my day's gratitude
Homeworks done, spelling words spelled right
Recharge this positive attitude
While I sleep overnight

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Great Seduction

She comes ready to strip off  her gown of gold
Hues of cinnabar, titian too
Glorious and resplendent with
The sun still warm, remnants of summer's caress
Almost late for their rendezvous
As avian witnesses head south
Still rooted to her mother
She lays down for old man winter
Never forgetting the one
Who shows up with the April showers
Waiting again another year
For old man winter

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


And this comes a day late
To pay tribute to you
Angel of mine by fate
Sister Scorpio - that's you

I kiss you once
I kiss you twice
I kiss you once again
God blessed me with two sisters
So grateful one of them is you

Live each day as though it were your first
See old things like new
And never forget
To make time for you