Monday, March 15, 2010

Lenten Zen - Midway

     So here I am, halfway done with  my Lenten resolve to fast from Facebook.  Or should I say I am halfway undone! Definitely will be more careful next time before I open my mouth. A taste of spring-like weather has provided an opportunity to clean up remnants of fall and winter debris in the yard. There is pleasure in knowing my peonies are pushing their way out through the ground after I clear it from leaves long dead. I prune the withered clematis vines, something  that I usually do in the fall. I can only hope they are not sulking and will do me proud again this year. The hyacinths are also making their presence known, while the lone lavender stays strong now that winter is almost a memory. I have to confess I just now scraped the last of the jack-o-lantern from the front steps, its face mad from being left to brave the frigid winter, a sarcastic smile breaking down into a sad pout. What was I supposed to do? I was busy checking status updates at that time! Nothing like being close to the ground to get grounded. Perhaps I will tackle the backyard tomorrow...
     Indoors, I go through the closet hoping to clear the clutter and perhaps  my mind as well from its cobwebs. I stumble into the letters that I have the privilege of Dad's heart notes to my Mom. About thirty letters spanning 1950 to 1954 and miles in between which starts with a  marriage proposal , a whole lot of pleading and pleasing prose in the middle and the victorious man at the end whose efforts paid off. Fifty something years later that love still endures. I find myself reading the letters again... the clutter will have to wait another day.

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