Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Moonlight So-Not-A

The moon in the sky
     Looks like a big ol' pizza pie
         Though it may just look like that
               When today I worked 15 hours flat

So shower it with mozarella
    And I'll put away the umbrella
          Pile on the pepperoni
                But please hold the macaroni

The 25-minute drive home
     Had this mind a -roam
           Am  just tired and fried
               And yet oh-so wired

I'll soon be in bed
     After being fed
          Bear with this woman -  you see
                 A few hours sleep and she'll be back to dear ol' me

The Resurrection

(pic art by rennan q)

     And what did I learn with this self-imposed silence on Facebook? That staying away from the computer was easy. Not posting anything was my vow of silence. That was easy too. The world went on without me. What was not easy was cutting myself off from family and friends. Relationships and  the connections we have are not easy things to give up. I missed out on making new friends and renewing  old acquaintances. And sharing ZenSue's thoughts. These are the stuff that's hard to let go.
     But I also renewed other connections. Spring came slowly but surely, the greening of the world after  winter and everything that came with it . The birds came back with a vengeance,excitement evident in their early-morning chatter of where they've been and what they've been up to. Perennial flowers push their way out of the ground  to see what the commotion is all about and warm sunshine lays its hands on my skin and the whole world like a blessing. Mother Nature has once again dressed up, the trees with its blossoms gorgeous.

     One realizes that though nothing stays the same, some things come back about the same time every year. Perhaps different only in how we see them, if we notice them at all.

   And yes, absence of the obvious makes it very much present. This I know for sure.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ode to Oh

Oh ...surprise
Oh? A question
Or sarcasm.

Oh... so sad
Oh joy! la
Oh . Stumped. gosh!
Oh...the dawning

Oh well...

Oh...the disappointment
Oh... its on sale!
Oh... it's on clearance!
Oh... I'm buying!

Oh no!

Oh boy!
Oh man...
Oh... my
Oh... dear
Oh ...delicious!
Oh yes!
Oh. Oh. Oh.

 How can such a small word mean so much in so many ways? Oh.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Equinox - A Haiku

Crocuses, tulips,

     red cardinals on bare trees -
           Still... the frosts linger.      

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Kiss

Your first.
One for your birthday.
One of betrayal. One forbidden.
One of death. One from Hershey's.

One to say hello. Another to bid goodbye.
A brush. Hesitating. Tentative. Playful.
Searching. Probing. Scorching. Torrid.
Short. Long. Lingering. Deep.

Two mortals in combat.
Both winning. None losing.
Sliding. Twining. Warm. Hot. Sizzling.
The kiss that seals. Or steals.

One to endear. Another to sear.
One that demands. Another to surrender.
And the one that I love the most -
The kiss that heals.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lenten Zen - Midway

     So here I am, halfway done with  my Lenten resolve to fast from Facebook.  Or should I say I am halfway undone! Definitely will be more careful next time before I open my mouth. A taste of spring-like weather has provided an opportunity to clean up remnants of fall and winter debris in the yard. There is pleasure in knowing my peonies are pushing their way out through the ground after I clear it from leaves long dead. I prune the withered clematis vines, something  that I usually do in the fall. I can only hope they are not sulking and will do me proud again this year. The hyacinths are also making their presence known, while the lone lavender stays strong now that winter is almost a memory. I have to confess I just now scraped the last of the jack-o-lantern from the front steps, its face mad from being left to brave the frigid winter, a sarcastic smile breaking down into a sad pout. What was I supposed to do? I was busy checking status updates at that time! Nothing like being close to the ground to get grounded. Perhaps I will tackle the backyard tomorrow...
     Indoors, I go through the closet hoping to clear the clutter and perhaps  my mind as well from its cobwebs. I stumble into the letters that I have the privilege of Dad's heart notes to my Mom. About thirty letters spanning 1950 to 1954 and miles in between which starts with a  marriage proposal , a whole lot of pleading and pleasing prose in the middle and the victorious man at the end whose efforts paid off. Fifty something years later that love still endures. I find myself reading the letters again... the clutter will have to wait another day.

Friday, March 12, 2010

In Love With Math ( for C.S.)

Oblivious to the obvious
Driven to distraction with the attraction
Intersecting lines meet not but at one point
Obtuse when it pleases him

Acute is what it felt like
Lives parallel but never shall twine
Clarity comes when least expected
She marks her days with his absence

They may just be words
Still, on a cold crisp morning hinting at spring
They wrap around her
Warm like the  not-so-distant  summer

Right angles are not always so
Perpendicular can sometimes be peculiar
Lines can be pointless
But home will always be where the heart zeroes in