Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lenten Zen - Week 1

      Winter brings with it an invitation for contemplation,  what with the frigid temperatures and sometimes hostile driving conditions that makes one retreat to the inner sanctuary of the mind. To scheme and dream, at times to the extreme. Like coming up with the unthinkable resolve to give up for Lent that which brings one pleasure. Whatever that may be. Chocolate? Poetry? Facebook? Oh yeahhh... why not? I decided to give up this social networking addiction not just as  part of a religious practice of self-denial but as a crisis intervention for something that was becoming a full time endeavor.  Just the thought of not being online was enough to give me palpitations. All the more reason to challenge myself, I said. And so I did. Cold turkey. Frozen is more like it.

     For those non-Catholics stumbling into this blog, did I mention this practice in self-denial is supposed to mirror the temptations Jesus faced in the forty days he was alone in the dessert? Yes, forty days. Except when I actuallly counted the days until  Easter it is more like 6 weeks! Not even sure I would last 24 hours. It feels like an eternity. On second thought, eternity is probably like a quick errand compared to what I felt. And what have I learned so far? I can run, but I can't hide. I may be able to physically stay away from Facebook but  thoughts of what I turned my back on, though only temporary, invade my mind, no less intrusive than being actually online. But I'm trying, really trying hard. As in substituting urges to log-in with deep cleansing breaths until I am dizzy as only one can be after so many breaths. And it's only been a week.

     Working out, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, I find solace in these practices that brings clarity to my day. Books and poetry are always good company and even doing the laundry keeps me sane. The bathroom ought to be spotless next week!

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