Sunday, December 20, 2009

Martin Status Update - 2009
(sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells' – you gotta!)

Facebook kin, Facebook friend
We went live this year
Oh how fun to read updates
Make us laugh or shed a tear – hey!

Post a joke, send a poke
Let's go have some fun
Now it's time for us to share
All the things that we have done

Dennis is back home
With a brand new bachelor's
Has a job he likes
What more could we ask for?
Jared is in fourth
Learning quite a lot
Kyle's right behind in second grade
And knows more than he ought – oh!

Popcorn sales, swim meet tales
We're always in the car
Oh be sure to do a check
What's on the calendar -argh!
Build a boat, sign a note
Where did the time go?
Now we send you Christmas cheer
Before we go psycho!

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