Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Martin Status Update - 2009
(sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells' – you gotta!)

Facebook kin, Facebook friend
We went live this year
Oh how fun to read updates
Make us laugh or shed a tear – hey!

Post a joke, send a poke
Let's go have some fun
Now it's time for us to share
All the things that we have done

Dennis is back home
With a brand new bachelor's
Has a job he likes
What more could we ask for?
Jared is in fourth
Learning quite a lot
Kyle's right behind in second grade
And knows more than he ought – oh!

Popcorn sales, swim meet tales
We're always in the car
Oh be sure to do a check
What's on the calendar -argh!
Build a boat, sign a note
Where did the time go?
Now we send you Christmas cheer
Before we go psycho!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Winter Haiku

Snow flake, snow flake fall
Keeps me away from the mall
Snow flake, snow flake squall.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Wedding Haiku

In good times and bad
From this day forward I vow
Death please don't us part.

Christmas Haiku

Let's prepare Him room
As heaven and earth rejoice
For the baby born.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Namecalling - My Contexts

Susan, Tsu-kutsang-kutsang, Inday, Sue, San
Sansue, Susie, Sansoy, Sanswa, Cici, Seuss, Suzy Q, Ms. Susan
Ms. Suarez, Bru, Mommy, Mom, Sparky, Sweetheart
Mrs. Martin,and my all-time favorite...


The Zen of Feelings

A friend reminded me that feelings in themselves are amoral. That it is in acting on those feelings that the question of what is right or wrong arises. And so i nurse (i should be good at this) mine, acknowledging...not necessarily liking, but just accepting it for what it is. Giving it permission to stay or go away, hoping it will be a friend... no matter what.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009