Sunday, January 24, 2010

Indiana Sunrise

Gorgeous, gorgeous , crystal-clear,  jaw-dropping,
   eye-popping sunrise  peeking
          through frosted
                  barenaked trees and giving
                       the day's first blush beyond them Indiana plains
Winter, winter comes...  first some frosts, then flurries,
    a snowflake or two, and before I know it
        frigid temperatures has me reaching for
              a mug of steaming hot chocolate
                      where a lone marshmallow languidly floats

Foggy, foggy nights...mind even more fogged,
     two full moons in a month
        the earth quakes twice...twice too many
            making hearts shake to the core

Gloom, gloom, and doom looms
    Still... hope sleeps beneath the cold damp ground
       waiting for spring
          when the sun rises  like it had never known winter solstice

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