Wednesday, August 21, 2013

sea glass

your history a mystery
broken. who knows why?
into the ocean. who knows how?
relentless rocks carving anew
destiny unknown
shards of memories
sand-polished into jewels
softened by liquid sky
jade, cobalt, frosty white
brought home by a single wave
into my hands

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

will you -
tell me your name
give me your number
have coffee with me

will you -
bring waxen celebrities to life 
draw cartoons that make me laugh
tuck the sun in for the night

will you -
gaze at the moon with me
count the stars and wish upon them
dream with our eyes wide open

will you -
spend forever and a day with me
mark this moment with a ring
start our tomorrows with vows

will you - on this hilltop
say "i do."

Thursday, April 11, 2013


today's girl, woman becoming
on the edge, dreams becoming
taking flight on the wings of hope
a glimpse of tomorrow in her eyes
"She's just a girl, but she's on fire"