Saturday, March 24, 2012


Tonight my star shines bright
Lashes pumped, ebony hair curled
Heels stacked to the sky
The French on my nail's tips

Tonight my star shines bright
Once I held her in my arms
Tonight in a boy's as they dance
Bittersweet passage of life

Tonight the stars burn bright
Fire in his blood
As only a father's will
Praying tight, "Little girl, don't grow up too soon"

Tonight our star burns bright
Silver gown, train in hand
Take her hand and lead the way
The Promenade is but an hour away...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Una Soneto Para El Tito Cuevas

Cielo estrellado de la noche estrellada,
Le coloreada nuestras vidas con su arte
Su espíritu tranquilo una ráfaga ...
  de colores sobre lienzo

Iconos grabados en piedra
De vida grabados en su cara
Su sólo el amor por su lado
Til el final

Y cuando no hay esperanza
  quedaba dentro
De ese cielo estrellado cielo estrellado de la noche
De su corazón su don de trabajo nos pintan

El cielo con los recuerdos de su
Trama con amor
Tan verdadero atado con un gran arco rojo
Un regalo a tu Hacedor

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Sonnet for The Tito Cuevas

Starry, starry night
You colored our lives
   with your art
Your quiet spirit a burst
... of colors on canvas

Icons set in stone
Life's etchings in your face
Your only love by your side
Til the very end

And when no hope
   was left inside
On that starry, starry night
Your heart's work your gift to us

Paint the sky with memories
   of you
Framed with love so true
Tied with a big red bow
A gift to your Maker

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sestina for Virginia

(Sestina - six six-line stanzas ending with a tercet. The last words on each line in the first stanza are repeated as the last words in the following stanzas, in a defined order. All six key words also appear in the tercet, three as end words and one in the middle of each line. The last word of a stanza ends the first line in the next stanza. Finally, the last word of the poem repeats the last word of the first line.)

We claim her our mother
From whom we learned love
All seven of her children
She took care of her life garden
For her it bloomed flowers
But she was first a woman

She was first his woman
Then everyone's mother
Virtuous as her flowers
Her legacy the love
In the tangle of life's garden
Blessings brought by children

Be grateful ye children
She is in everything a woman
Give to her the garden
From where arise Earth Mother
To get love, give love
And then shall they flower

"Farewell", she said to her flowers
"Where to?", she asked her children
Baking bread the grandchildren loved
But she weeps, this woman
Who remembers little of her mother
Even as she tilled in her garden

Bloom where you may in life's garden
Forever fragrant your flowers
My precious and beauteous mother
It matters not where, to us children
You be your own woman
Just this remains - our love

It's all that matters - this love
Wherever you plant your garden
Be all you can be, Woman
Live life like sunshine on flowers
Your children remain your children
And you their mother

Gifts of endless love and flowers
Garden of hope, children's children
Live long Renaissance Woman, Happy 85th, Mother!