Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Have Twelve Lines for You

twelve years and counting
the vows we made
in bounty and adversity
I will honor until eternity

I was, before you - just me
now a family
you're my piece of peace
my haven before heaven

as I did then
I say now
in good times and bad
even death cannot us part

Happy Anniversary, Randy.

(pic art by Daniel Knight)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Poem for Liz

From these -  
   womanhood blossomed
      yellow polka dot bikini sits
         a lover slaked his thirst
             a babe suckled then slept
From these -
   she felt fear
      she heard her sentence  
         her mortality said hello
            she said no

Without these -                
     she still  felt loved
        she learned courage
          she learned surrender
              she survived

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Farewell to Summer

September brings with it
a last fling with summer
before autumn sweeps in
and the steroid-pumped sun
leaves nothing but a sunburn
like paint peeling.
a glass of lemonade sits
sweet, sweating, sweltering
thirst unquenched and
dreamin' of chillin'.
your lips. only yours.
September brings with it
a last fling with summer
a birthday to remember
her kiss to surrender

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine One One

Twin infernos
Apple gone sour
Unborn son asks
"Is this my world?"
Deaths in four digits
Wounded even more
Unborn son asks
"Is this my world?"
Hearts scarred by time

Unforgetting. Yet hope prevails.

Today son says, "Love, mama?"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gentle Woman

Blessed are you with us women
Gracious in spirit
Teach us widom
Teach us love
Teach us peace
Show us courage
Show us grace
Show us surrender
Be the light
Be the dove
In the heavens above
You were made for us women
You were made for Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

ZenSue Blessing

May you start and end your day with gratitude
Let love be your  guiding light
May you  open the gift of every now with wonder
Let the sublime and ordinary amaze you in equal measure
May you welcome poetry when it knocks on your heart's door
Better still, seek it with a passion as you have never before
And always, in all ways
To thyself be true.