Monday, June 15, 2009

Just a Thought

Before there was "Going Green",didn't we have the Green Revolution?(In the Philippines anyway.)

Have you ever wondered why in the Far East they're called "healers" and here on our side of the world doctors are still "practicing"? The alternative medicine was always there...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Jared This Time

Jared, seeing a white horse w/ black spots across the field," Look Daddy, it's a horse dressed like a cow!"

The Game

Mom: "Jared, if you were a flower what would you be?"
Jared: "I want to be a rose and peony Mommy and then you can take care of me."
Mom: "What about you Kyle?
Kyle: " I want to be a peony and a rose too Mommy but I want to be pollinated!"

Kyle Again

I'm getting good at swimming Mommy... last week I swallowed water 8 times, today I swallowed water 2 times only!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kyle - 6 y.o.

" Mommy, I get it... God is the Father, Mary is the Mother, Jesus is the Son... and the Holy Spirit is... the pet,... it's like a family!

That's all he needs to learn,no?

Monday, June 1, 2009

On Mindfulness

Here's a suggestion... don't just see the glass as half-full... make time to take time to appreciate the glass itself then offer gratitude because some people don't even have a glass at all. Downsize and your cup runneth over...